Cloud Security Assessment Checklist: Protecting Your Business in the Cloud

cloud security checklist

Just because your data is in the cloud, that doesn’t mean it’s secure.

I know many people believe that because they use Microsoft Azure, AWS or GCP, and big tech have their own security measures in place, that means you are safe, right? It doesn’t!!

In order to protect your sensitive information and comply with industry regulations, you need to perform a comprehensive security assessment of your cloud infrastructure.

Here is our recommended cloud security assessment checklist to help you ensure that your cloud environment is secure:

Access Management

Access management is one of the most critical components of cloud security. You need to ensure that only authorized users have access to sensitive information and systems. This can be achieved through the implementation of strong authentication methods such as multi-factor authentication, the use of secure password policies and even better, biometric authentication.
Additionally, it’s important to regularly review and audit your access logs to detect any unauthorised access attempts.


Directory Service

Directory services play a crucial role in cloud security by providing centralised authentication and authorisation for your cloud environment. A robust directory service will allow you to manage user accounts, passwords, and permissions in a secure and scalable manner. Ensure that your directory service is properly configured and that it integrates seamlessly with your access management solution.

Data Loss Prevention and Backup Policies

Data loss prevention is critical in protecting your sensitive information in the cloud. Implement a comprehensive data loss prevention strategy that includes the use of encryption, data backups, and disaster recovery solutions. Ensure that your data backup policies are regularly tested and updated to ensure that your data can be recovered in the event of an unexpected outage or disaster.

Rely on a Security Team

This is key. A dedicated security team is essential for ensuring the security of your cloud environment. This team should be responsible for the implementation and management of your cloud security solutions, as well as for performing regular security assessments and audits. Whether in-house or outsourced, make sure that your security team has the necessary skills and experience to keep your cloud environment secure.


Encryption is an essential component of cloud security. Encryption can protect your sensitive information from unauthorised access, even if it falls into the wrong hands. Ensure that your data is encrypted both at rest and in transit, and that your encryption keys are properly managed and protected.

security updates

Security Updates

Often overlooked, updates are critical for keeping your cloud environment secure. Regularly update your cloud infrastructure and security solutions to ensure that you are protected against the latest threats. Stay up-to-date with the latest security news and vulnerabilities to ensure that you are prepared for any potential security incidents.


Regularly monitor your cloud environment to detect any security incidents or threats. Ensure that you have the necessary tools and processes in place to quickly respond to any security incidents, and that your security team is properly trained and equipped to handle them.

In conclusion, the cloud is an essential component of modern business, but it also presents a unique set of security challenges. By following this cloud security assessment checklist, you can ensure that your cloud environment is secure and that your sensitive information is protected. Keep this checklist handy and regularly assess your cloud security to ensure that you are always protected.

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