The Importance of Cybersecurity at the Board Level

The imporance of Cyber Security at the Board Level

Cyber security is no longer just an IT issue. It is a critical business concern that must be addressed at the highest levels of any organisation. As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated and prevalent, the role of the board of directors in overseeing cyber security has never been more crucial. In this article, I’m going to explore why cybersecurity should be a persistent agenda item at the board level and why it is essential for business leaders to take it seriously.

Cyber threats have evolved from simple hacks to complex, targeted attacks that can cripple entire organisations. These threats include ransomware, phishing, advanced persistent threats (APTs), and insider threats, among others. The financial and reputational damage resulting from a cyber-attack can be catastrophic, affecting shareholder value, customer trust, and the overall viability of the business.

With the rise in cyber-attacks, governments and regulatory bodies worldwide have implemented stringent data protection and privacy laws. Compliance with regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act 2018, and others such as Cyber Essentials, ISO 27001 and many more. Non-compliance can result in hefty fines and/or legal repercussions. Therefore, it is imperative for the board to ensure that the organisation not only complies with these regulations but also adopts best practices in cyber security which some of these regulations, compliance and frameworks are specifically designed to do.

What about the cost of a cyber attack?

Cyber-attacks can have a significant financial impact on an organisation. The costs associated with a breach include not only immediate expenses such as forensic investigations, legal fees, and public relations efforts but also long-term costs related to regulatory fines, loss of business, and increased insurance premiums. According to a report by IBM, the average cost of a data breach in the UK in 2023 was £3.75 million. The financial stakes are exceptionally high for businesses, especially those in sectors like finance, healthcare, and critical infrastructure. They far exceed the value shown in the IBM report.

In today’s interconnected world, reputation is one of your most valuable but often intangible asset. A single cyber security incident can erode customer trust and damage an organisation’s brand image beyond that of any other incident. The impact on reputation can be long-lasting, affecting customer retention, acquisition, and overall market position. Business leaders must recognise that protecting the organisation’s reputation is as important as safeguarding its physical assets.

Traditionally, cyber security has been viewed as a technical issue, delegated to the IT department. However, the increasing frequency and severity of cyber threats demand a strategic approach, making it a board-level concern. Here are key reasons why cyber security should remain a constant agenda item for the board.


Strategic Oversight

The board has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure the organisation’s long-term success. This includes safeguarding its assets, both tangible and intangible. Cyber security is integral to protecting these assets. By keeping cyber security on the board’s agenda, directors can provide strategic oversight, ensuring that adequate resources are allocated to cyber security initiatives and that these initiatives align with the organisation’s overall strategy.


Risk Management

Cyber security is a critical component of enterprise risk management. The board must be proactive in identifying and mitigating cyber risks. This involves understanding the organisation’s risk appetite, assessing the potential impact of cyber threats, and implementing appropriate controls. Regular updates on cyber security posture, incident reports, and risk assessments should be standard practice at board meetings.


Governance and Accountability

Effective governance is essential for robust cyber security. The board should establish clear policies and frameworks for cyber security, ensuring that there is accountability at all levels of the organisation. This includes defining roles and responsibilities, setting performance metrics, and conducting regular audits to assess compliance with cyber security policies.

board of directors

Crisis Management and Incident Response

In the event of a cyber-attack, the board must be prepared to act swiftly and decisively. This requires having a well-defined incident response plan in place, with clear protocols for communication, containment, and recovery. The board should regularly review and test the incident response plan to ensure its effectiveness.


Continuous Improvement

Cybersecurity is not a one-time effort but an ongoing process. The threat landscape is constantly evolving, and so must the organisation’s defences. The board should promote a culture of continuous improvement. Encouraging regular training, awareness programmes, and investment in the latest security technologies.


In conclusion, cyber security is a critical business issue that demands the board of directors’ attention. Business leaders can provide the strategic oversight, governance, and resources necessary to protect the organisation from cyber threats. This proactive approach mitigates risks and enhances the organisation’s resilience, ensuring its long-term success in an increasingly digital world. Business leaders must recognise that in the realm of cyber security, complacency is not an option—vigilance and proactive management are imperative.


For more information on how we approach cyber security and the roles of the CISO and external security consultancy, contact Planet IT today. You can call 01235 433900 or email [email protected]. If you want to speak to me directly, you can contact me via DM or at [email protected].


Managed Detection and Response

Back up in a Cloud-Focused World

Back up in a Cloud-Focused World - Ensuring Robust Backup and Disaster Recovery in Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Environments

As businesses increasingly migrate to cloud computing or adopt hybrid cloud models, the importance of robust backup and disaster recovery strategies cannot be underestimated. Whether you’re a business owner, director, senior manager or technical professional, understanding how to safeguard your data in these environments is crucial.

This article will provide a comprehensive guide on approaching backup and disaster recovery, including the often-overlooked aspect of backing up Software as a Service (SaaS) products like Microsoft 365.

Why Backup and Disaster Recovery is Essential

Data is the lifeblood of all modern businesses. With proper backup and disaster recovery (DR) plans, companies can avoid losing critical information to cyberattacks, hardware failures, or natural disasters. The consequences can range from minor disruptions to complete operational shutdowns, resulting in significant financial losses and damage to reputation. Therefore, having a reliable backup and DR strategy is not just an IT concern but a business imperative; we see far too often businesses that leave their focus on backup and DR until after it has all gone wrong, by which time there is no actual route for recovery just a vast world of pain and potentially the end of a successful business.

Transitioning to Cloud or Hybrid Cloud

When moving to cloud computing or a hybrid cloud setup, the traditional approaches to backup and DR need to be re-evaluated. Here are vital considerations for both environments:

Cloud Computing Backup and DR:

Data Redundancy: To protect against regional failures, ensure that data stored in the cloud is duplicated across multiple geographic locations. This should be in physically separate geographic locations and not just inside a single data location, regardless of its size.

Automated Backups: Leverage cloud providers’ automated backup services to ensure data is regularly and consistently backed up without manual intervention.

Scalability: Cloud environments offer scalable storage solutions, making managing growing amounts of data easier without additional hardware investments.

Backup and disaster recovery

Hybrid Cloud Backup and DR:

Integrated Solutions: Utilise solutions that seamlessly integrate on-premises and cloud environments, allowing for unified management and recovery processes.

Data Synchronisation: Ensure data is synchronised between on-premises and cloud storage to maintain consistency and availability.

Security Compliance: Implement security measures to protect data across both environments and maintain compliance with industry standards and regulations.


Backing Up SaaS Products

A common misconception is that the service provider fully protects data stored in SaaS applications like Microsoft 365. While these providers offer some redundancy and security, they do not typically cover comprehensive data backup and recovery for end-user errors, malicious attacks, or prolonged outages. Hence, it’s crucial to implement third-party backup solutions for these services.


Microsoft 365 Backup:

Granular Recovery: Choose backup solutions that allow for granular recovery of individual items such as emails, files, and calendar entries.

Retention Policies: Implement custom retention policies to meet your business needs and compliance requirements rather than relying solely on Microsoft’s default settings.

Automated Backups: Schedule regular, automated backups to protect the most recent data.


Best Practices for Backup and Disaster Recovery

To ensure your backup and DR strategies are effective, consider the following best practices:

Regular Testing: Conduct regular disaster recovery drills to test the effectiveness of your backup systems and ensure quick recovery times during an actual disaster.

Data Encryption: Encrypt data at rest and in transit to protect against unauthorised access and breaches.

Multi-Layered Security: Implement multi-layered security measures, including firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems, to safeguard your data.

Documentation and Training: Maintain thorough documentation of your backup and DR procedures and ensure that staff are adequately trained to execute these plans.

Vendor Selection: Choose reputable vendors with proven track records in backup and disaster recovery solutions. Consider their support capabilities and service level agreements (SLAs).


Why Partner with Planet IT for Backup and Disaster Recovery?

Navigating the complexities of backup and disaster recovery in cloud and hybrid environments can be daunting. Planet IT offers expert guidance and tailored solutions to help you design and implement robust backup and DR strategies that meet your needs. By partnering with Planet IT, you benefit from:

Expertise: Leverage our deep industry knowledge and experience in cloud and hybrid environments.

Customised Solutions: Receive solutions tailored to your business requirements and compliance needs.

Proactive Support: Gain access to proactive support and monitoring to ensure your backup systems function optimally.

Peace of Mind: You can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your critical data is protected and recoverable in the event of a disaster.

In conclusion, a comprehensive backup and disaster recovery strategy is essential as you transition to cloud or hybrid cloud computing. By following best practices and partnering with experts like Planet IT, you can ensure your data is secure, compliant, and recoverable, safeguarding your business against potential disruptions.

For more information and to find the proper backup and disaster recovery solution for your business, contact Planet IT today. You can call 01235 433900 or email [email protected]. If you want to speak to me directly, you can contact me via DM or at [email protected].

Data Residency article image

Do more with Microsoft 365 Business Premium

Do more with Microsoft 365 Business Premium

Investing in technology that enhances productivity and efficiency is paramount. Microsoft 365 Business Premium is a comprehensive suite designed for small—to medium-sized businesses and is often associated with its core functionalities like email through Outlook and communication via Teams. However, inside this robust platform, there are a plethora of additional features that can transform your business operations, yet many of these remain underutilised by those who purchase the product.   

Today, I want to scratch the surface of what lies within Microsoft 365 Business Premium that you most likely don’t know about and that would most certainly add substantial value to your Business.  

Advanced Security and Compliance Tools 

One of the standout features of Microsoft 365 Business Premium is its advanced security and compliance capabilities. These tools are critical for protecting sensitive business data, ensuring regulatory compliance, and mitigating cybersecurity risks.  

Microsoft Defender for Office 365 provides comprehensive protection against sophisticated threats such as phishing and malware. This feature includes safe attachments and links, which actively scan and neutralise malicious content before reaching your inbox. Moreover, the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies help prevent sensitive information from being shared inadvertently by identifying, monitoring, and automatically protecting sensitive data across Office 365.  

For businesses with stringent regulatory requirements, the Compliance Manager within Microsoft 365 provides detailed insights and actionable guidance to help you stay compliant with various standards and regulations. This tool simplifies the compliance process by offering a compliance score, which indicates how well your organisation is aligned with compliance requirements and recommendations for improvement.  

Intelligent Cloud Storage with OneDrive and SharePoint  

While many businesses use OneDrive and SharePoint for essential document storage and sharing, their capabilities extend far beyond these functions. OneDrive for Business offers seamless synchronisation across devices, ensuring your employees can access the latest files anytime, anywhere. The built-in Version History feature allows you to track changes and restore previous versions of documents, providing a safety net against accidental deletions or unwanted modifications.  

SharePoint, on the other hand, excels in creating collaborative spaces. It’s a document library and a robust platform for building intranets, project management sites, and custom business applications. The integration with Power Automate (formerly known as Flow) allows you to automate repetitive tasks and workflows, significantly reducing the manual workload and enhancing productivity.  

Streamlined Project Management with Planner and To Do  

Project management tools are crucial for maintaining efficiency and meeting deadlines. Microsoft 365 Business Premium includes Planner and Microsoft To Do, both powerful tools for organizing tasks and projects.  

Microsoft Planner enables teams to create plans, organise and assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress visually through Kanban boards. This tool is handy for collaborative projects, providing transparency and accountability among team members.  

On the other hand, Microsoft To-Do is a personal task management tool that integrates seamlessly with Outlook. It helps individuals manage their workday by creating and prioritising tasks, setting reminders, and even breaking down larger tasks into manageable steps. By utilising these tools, businesses can ensure that team and individual tasks are aligned and efficiently managed.  

Enhanced Business Insights with Power BI 

Data-driven decision-making is essential in today’s competitive business landscape. Microsoft 365 Business Premium includes Power BI, a powerful business analytics tool that transforms data into insightful visualisations and interactive reports.  

Power BI allows you to connect to multiple data sources, from Excel spreadsheets to cloud-based databases, and create real-time dashboards that provide a holistic view of your business performance. With its intuitive interface, you can generate reports that highlight key metrics and trends, enabling you to make informed decisions quickly. By leveraging Power BI, businesses can uncover hidden insights and identify opportunities for growth and improvement.  

Comprehensive Device Management with Intune  

Managing multiple devices across your organisation can be challenging, especially with the rise of remote work. Microsoft Intune, included in Microsoft 365 Business Premium, offers a comprehensive mobile device and application management solution.  

Intune allows you to securely manage iOS, Android, and Windows devices, ensuring corporate data remains protected regardless of where it is accessed. You can enforce security policies, deploy applications, and remotely wipe data from lost or stolen devices. This level of control enhances security and simplifies the management of your organisation’s devices, reducing the burden on your IT team.  

Office 365

Advanced Communication and Collaboration Tools  

While Teams is well-known for its chat and meeting capabilities, it also includes various features that enhance collaboration. Teams Channels allow you to create dedicated spaces for different projects or departments, fostering focused communication and collaboration. You can integrate various apps within these channels, such as Planner, SharePoint, and third-party tools, creating a centralised hub for all project-related activities.  

Moreover, Teams Live Events enables you to host webinars and large-scale virtual events with up to 10,000 attendees. This feature is ideal for conducting training sessions, product launches, and company-wide meetings, providing a platform for engaging and interactive communication.  

Business Process Automation with Power Automate  

Automating routine tasks can save time and reduce errors. Power Automate, part of Microsoft 365 Business Premium, allows you to create automated workflows between your favourite apps and services. Whether approving requests, syncing files, or collecting data, Power Automate streamlines your processes, freeing up time for more strategic activities.  

For example, you can set up a workflow to automatically save email attachments to OneDrive or to notify team members when a new lead is added to your CRM. By leveraging Power Automate, businesses can enhance operational efficiency and ensure process consistency. 

Microsoft 365 Business Premium is a powerful suite of tools designed to boost productivity, enhance security, and streamline business operations. While email and Teams are essential components, the suite offers many additional features that can drive significant value for your Business. By exploring and utilising these underused tools, you can unlock the full potential of your Microsoft 365 subscription, ensuring that your investment delivers maximum returns.  

Embrace the capabilities of advanced security features, intelligent cloud storage, streamlined project management, insightful business analytics, comprehensive device management, enhanced communication, and business process automation. By doing so, you will improve efficiency and productivity and gain a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced business environment.  

For more information and to find the way to make the most out of Microsoft 365 in for your business, contact Planet IT today. You can call 01235 433900 or email [email protected]. If you want to speak to me directly, you can contact me via DM or at [email protected]. 

Microsoft365 Copilot PC


The Critical Importance of Managed Detection and Response Services in 2024

Managed Detection and Response

Businesses face unprecedented cyber threats. As we navigate through 2024 and head into 2025, the need for robust cybersecurity measures has never been more critical. The most effective solutions are those provided as Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services. Unlike traditional antivirus (AV) solutions, MDR services offer comprehensive, round-the-clock protection, ensuring that businesses remain vigilant and resilient against cyber threats, something that has and will remain a challenge for any business that does not have the resources, time, money and experience to run an in house 24/7 Security Operations Centre.

This article will explore why MDR is indispensable for modern businesses and how traditional AV solutions fail to provide adequate security.

The Evolving Cyber Threat Landscape

Cyber threats have become increasingly sophisticated and frequent. From ransomware and phishing attacks to advanced persistent threats (APTs) and zero-day exploits, cybercriminals’ arsenal continually expands to the point where staying in front of bad actors and ahead of the latest trend is a battle of monumental scale. In 2024, businesses of all sizes are prime targets, with cybercriminals exploiting vulnerabilities in traditional security measures to breach networks, steal sensitive data, and disrupt operations.

Limitations of Traditional Antivirus Solutions

Traditional antivirus solutions have long been the cornerstone of business cybersecurity strategies. These solutions primarily rely on signature-based detection to identify and mitigate known threats. While this approach can be practical against well-documented malware, it has significant limitations:

Signature-Based Detection: Traditional AV solutions can only detect threats that have been previously identified and catalogued. This leaves businesses vulnerable to new and emerging threats that do not match existing signatures.

Reactive Approach: AV solutions typically operate on a reactive basis, addressing threats after infiltrating the system. This lag in response can result in significant damage before the threat is neutralised.

Limited Coverage: Most traditional AV solutions only cover business hours, leaving networks exposed at night, on weekends, and on holidays, when attacks are most likely to occur.

The Comprehensive Protection of MDR Services

Managed Detection and Response services offer a proactive and comprehensive approach to cybersecurity. MDR combines advanced technologies with human expertise to continuously monitor, detect, and respond to threats. Think of an MDR service as a natural extension to your team, providing the critical skills and tooling you don’t have the time or focus to provide.

Here’s why MDR is essential for businesses:

24/7 Monitoring and Response: Unlike traditional AV solutions, MDR services operate around the clock. This continuous vigilance ensures that threats are detected and mitigated in real-time, regardless of when they occur. Cyber threats don’t adhere to business hours, and neither should your security measures.

Proactive Threat Hunting: MDR services employ threat-hunting techniques to search for hidden threats within the network actively. This proactive approach helps identify and neutralise threats before they can cause significant harm.

Advanced Threat Detection: MDR solutions leverage advanced technologies such as machine learning, behavioural analysis, and threat intelligence to detect anomalies and potential threats. This enables the identification of sophisticated attacks that traditional AV solutions might miss.

Expert Analysis and Response: MDR services are staffed by cybersecurity experts who analyse detected threats and coordinate an appropriate response. This human element is crucial in understanding the context of an attack and implementing effective countermeasures.

Integrations: Good MDR Services all come with integrations that enable you to expand the visibility of the threat hunters to data sets beyond that of the traditional antivirus product and, therefore, offer critical insights that can help you protect your more comprehensive system from attack.


A real-world Case Study

Consider two businesses: Company A relies solely on traditional AV solutions, while Company B has implemented an MDR service.

Company A: During a holiday weekend, a sophisticated phishing attack targets Company A. The traditional AV software, operating on a signature-based model, fails to detect the new malware variant. When employees return to work, the malware has exfiltrated sensitive data and caused significant operational disruption. The reactive nature of the AV solution means the damage has already been done.

Company B: In a similar scenario, Company B’s MDR service detects unusual network activity as the phishing attack begins. The 24/7 monitoring team investigates the anomaly, identifies the threat, and initiates a rapid response. The malware is contained and neutralised before it can cause significant damage, and the business operations continue without interruption.

The Business Case for MDR

Investing in MDR services is not just about enhancing security; it’s also a strategic business decision. The financial and reputational costs of a cyber breach can be devastating. Data breaches can lead to regulatory fines, legal fees, loss of customer trust, and significant downtime. By adopting MDR, businesses can mitigate these risks and ensure a resilient cybersecurity posture.

Moreover, MDR services offer scalability and flexibility, making them suitable for businesses of all sizes. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which may lack extensive in-house cybersecurity resources, can particularly benefit from MDR providers’ expertise and advanced capabilities.

In 2024, the cybersecurity landscape demands more than traditional antivirus solutions. The sophisticated nature of modern cyber threats requires a proactive, comprehensive approach to protection. Managed Detection and Response services provide the continuous monitoring, advanced threat detection, and expert response necessary to safeguard businesses in today’s digital world. By investing in MDR, businesses can ensure they are protected and prepared to face the evolving challenges of cybersecurity head-on. The time to act is now – securing your business with MDR is an essential step towards a safer, more resilient future.

If you want to talk to one of our experts about how we can help your business stay secure, please call 01235 433900 or email [email protected]. If you want to speak to me directly, you can contact me via DM or at [email protected].


The Ticketmaster data breach, what can we learn?

Cyber security data breach.

If you have been hiding under a rock, you might have missed that Live Nation has confirmed that it had around 1.3TB of cached data from the Ticketmaster system stolen by cybercriminals. The criminals now demand payment; otherwise, the 560 million customers’ records will be leaked.

In May 2024, a cybercriminal group known as ShinyHunters claimed to have stolen the personal details of millions of Ticketmaster customers. (You’re likely to be one of them. I know I probably am!) The stolen data allegedly included names, addresses, phone numbers, and partial credit card details. The breach was reportedly carried out by exploiting a vulnerability in a third-party cloud database containing Ticketmaster data.

Firstly, if you have ever used Ticketmaster in the past, you may want to take some personal steps. Secondly, I want to shift the lens and look at what this level of data breach should teach you about your cyber security practices and how your business should face the challenges of the evolving cyber landscape.

What cybersecurity measures does your business need to implement right now?

Implement a Robust Cybersecurity Strategy:

A comprehensive cybersecurity strategy should include a detailed plan for preventing, detecting, and responding to cyber threats. This involves conducting regular risk assessments, implementing security policies and procedures, and ensuring compliance.

Keep Software and Hardware Up to date:

Regularly updating software and hardware is crucial, as outdated systems can have vulnerabilities that cybercriminals can exploit. This includes operating systems, applications, and firmware on all devices.

Use Strong Passwords and Multi-factor Authentication:

Strong passwords are complex, lengthy, and unique. Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two or more verification factors to access a resource.

Educate Employees:

Cybersecurity education and awareness training can help employees recognise and respond appropriately to cyber threats. This includes training on recognising phishing attempts, safe internet use, and responsibilities in handling sensitive data.

Use a Secure File-sharing Solution to Encrypt Data:

Encryption converts data into a code to prevent unauthorised access. Secure file-sharing solutions can encrypt data at rest and in transit, providing an additional layer of security.

Use Anti-virus and Anti-malware:

Anti-virus software is designed to detect, prevent, and remove viruses and other malicious software like worms, trojans, adware, and more. Regularly updating these tools ensures they can protect against the latest threats.

Planet IT staff helping our clients to embrace cyber security measures. Helping clients to avoid data breach

Use a VPN to Privatise Your Connections:

A VPN creates a private network from a public internet connection, masking your IP address and encrypting data in transit. This can help protect your data from being intercepted or accessed by unauthorised individuals.

Check Links Before You Click:

Cybercriminals often use malicious links to install malware or steal data. Always hover over a link to see where it leads before clicking and be wary of shortened or misspelt URLs.

Don’t Be Lazy with Your Passwords!

Using the same password for multiple accounts increases the risk of one account being compromised. Use a password manager to help you create and store complex and unique passwords for each of your accounts.

The Ticketmaster breach underscores the importance of robust cybersecurity measures for businesses. By implementing these best practices, businesses can significantly reduce their vulnerability to cyber threats and protect their valuable data. Remember, cybersecurity is not just an IT issue; it’s a business issue that requires attention at all levels of the organisation.

If you want to talk to one of our experts about how we can help your business stay secure, please call 01235 433900 or email [email protected]t. If you want to speak to me directly, you can contact me via DM or at [email protected].

Read more… The Onion Approach To Cyber Security

Shrek image on the abstract onion background.

Copilot+PC: The Next Computing Revolution?

Microsoft365 Copilot PC

It’s an exciting time to be a tech enthusiast, geek or general nerd like I am!

The latest buzz in personal computing is all about Copilot+PCs. These aren’t just your run-of-the-mill updates to last year’s models; they’re a complete game-changer. Thanks to native advanced AI integration, we are talking about a new way to interact with our computers. Copilot+ PCs are pushing the envelope on what it means to be productive and creative.

Blazing Speeds and Smart Performance

What’s under the hood of these Copilot+PCs? Imagine a powerhouse capable of handling over 40 trillion operations in a blink. We’re looking at the fastest Windows PCs to date. They’ve got this unique Neural Processing Unit that works alongside the usual CPU and GPU, giving them a massive boost for AI tasks – up to 20 times more power and 100 times the efficiency than what we’re used to.

Battery Life That Keeps Going

They’ve managed to pack all that performance without compromising on battery life. You can enjoy up to 22 hours of video playback or 15 hours of web browsing on a single charge. That means you can rely on your Copilot+PC to keep up with you all day, no matter where you are.

AI at the Core

The real magic of Copilot+ PCs is how they’ve woven AI into every aspect of the system. It’s like having an intelligent assistant always ready to help, making everything from development to daily tasks faster and more intuitive. And with AI running on the edge, you get the perks of quick responses, cost savings, and privacy.

Innovative Features That Impress

Some standout features have caught my eye. ‘Recall’ lets you find and remember stuff on your PC without a hassle. ‘Cocreator’ is another gem that lets you whip up AI images in real-time. ‘Live Captions’ breaks down language barriers by translating audio from over 40 languages into English, making conversations a breeze.

Sleek Designs and Accessibility

These Copilot+ PCs aren’t just brilliant; they look good, too. They come in sleek designs from big names like Microsoft Surface, Acer, ASUS, Dell, HP, Lenovo, and Samsung. With prices starting at £999, they’re making top-tier tech accessible to more people.

Your AI Assistant: Copilot

Each Copilot+ PC comes with a personal AI assistant just a tap away. This assistant is like having the best AI models at your disposal, ready to help with all sorts of tasks in a simple, powerful, and personal way.

Looking Ahead

Launching Copilot+ PCs is just the start. Microsoft has reimagined the whole PC experience with AI as the centrepiece. It’s the most significant shift for the Windows platform in years, setting the stage for a future where our interactions with computers will be more natural and powerful.


Final Thoughts

Copilot+ PCs are more than just a new line of computers; they’re the forerunners of a computing revolution. With their top-notch performance, enduring battery life, and AI-driven features, they’re set to change how we work, create, and communicate. As we enter this new era, I can’t wait to see how Copilot+PCs shape the future of personal computing.

If you want to move to Copilot+PC, then feel free to reach out to one of our experts at 01235 433900 or via email at [email protected], who will be able to help you understand how to make a move to the latest generation of devices. Alternatively, you can contact me directly via DM or at [email protected].

Read more..

Microsoft Copilot for Security: Empowering IT Teams with AI-Driven Insights

copilot for security

Striving for 100Gbps: The Move to Modernise IT Networking

100 gbps it infrastructure

The pulse of any business lies within its IT network infrastructure. Businesses voyage through the digital terrain, searching for swifter and more dependable connectivity. Consequently, transitioning from 1 Gigabit to 10, 25, and 100 Gigabits per second (Gbps) is crucial for backbone networks.

The demand for bandwidth continues to skyrocket due to data-intensive applications, cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT). Traditional networks, constrained by their limited capacity, require assistance to match this exponential surge.

Subsequently, high-speed backbone networks, operating at velocities of 10, 25, and even 100 Gbps, became essential lifelines for seamless digital connectivity among devices, applications and users.

Whether streaming high-definition content, conducting real-time analytics, or supporting pivotal operations, the need for velocity has never been more critical.

The Imperative of Modernisation   

Modernising IT network infrastructure is not merely about staying abreast of current trends; it’s about safeguarding the future of your enterprise. Primarily because outdated technology and insufficient bandwidth in legacy systems impede progress and growth. By embracing 10, 25, and 100 Gbps backbone networks, businesses can unleash the full potential of their digital ecosystems.

Fuelling Productivity and Efficiency   

Firstly, a vital advantage of a contemporary network lies in its capacity to boost productivity and efficiency. With accelerated data transfer speeds, employees can access information instantaneously, collaborate seamlessly and execute tasks briskly. This enhanced agility augments operational efficiency and empowers teams to respond swiftly to market dynamics and customer demands.

The Emergence of Power over Ethernet (PoE++)   

Concurrently, with the shift towards high-speed networks, there’s been a surge in demand for Power over Ethernet (PoE) solutions. PoE technology powers networked devices like IP cameras and wireless access points via Ethernet cables.

The advent of PoE++ (IEEE 802.3bt), capable of delivering up to 100 watts of power per port, heralds a new epoch of connectivity wherein devices are not solely interconnected but also powered via the network infrastructure. This convergence of power and data streamlines deployment, reduces costs, and lays the groundwork for a scalable network ecosystem.

IT network, high speed 100gbps

The Cost of Inaction   

While the merits of modernising IT network infrastructure are abundantly clear, the consequences of inertia can be dire. Organisations that neglect to invest in high-speed backbone networks risk lagging in the digital race. Outmoded systems are susceptible to outages and hardware failures and suffer from performance bottlenecks that can stymie innovation and impede competitiveness.

Furthermore, in an era where downtime translates to financial losses and reputational damage, the potential toll of network failures can be staggering. From disrupted operations to tarnished brand image, the repercussions of a faltering network extend far beyond mere inconvenience, underscoring the urgency of proactive investment in IT infrastructure.

In Summary  

The significance of modernising IT network infrastructure cannot be overstated. As enterprises navigate the complexities of the digital age, the necessity for high-speed backbone networks has become indispensable. By embracing 10, 25, and 100 Gbps networks, harnessing the potential of PoE++ and proactively investing in modern infrastructure, organisations can chart a course towards a connected future characterised by agility, efficiency, and innovation.

If you are reviewing your Network, then feel free to reach out to one of our experts at 01235 433900 or via email at [email protected], who will be able to help you understand how proper network design takes place. Alternatively, you can contact me directly via DM or at [email protected].

Read more… The Crucial Role of WI-FI Design

Abstract image of WI-WI Network

The Crucial Role of WIFI Design

Abstract image of WI-WI Network

Connectivity is the lifeblood of business operations and the importance of a robust WI-FI network in business environments cannot be overstated. From facilitating seamless communication to supporting critical business applications, a well-designed WI-FI infrastructure is essential for ensuring productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

However, achieving optimal WI-FI performance requires more than just installing a few access points haphazardly throughout the office space. I have seen my fair share of this over my time auditing sites. It demands careful planning, strategic placement and meticulous configuration. A lack of structured planning can indeed lead to pitfalls. It’s essential to approach the process methodically to ensure optimal performance and security.

The Pitfalls of Poor WI-FI Design

Deploying or upgrading WI-FI networking without proper design considerations can lead to many issues that impede productivity and frustrate users. Here are some common pitfalls associated with inadequate WI-FI design:

Dead Zones and Coverage Gaps:

With proper planning, specific areas within the office may be able to handle better coverage, leading to dead zones where employees struggle to connect or experience slow speeds. Likewise, these coverage gaps can hinder mobility and limit the flexibility of workspace utilisation. Modern devices make this even worse, as they are super sensitive to poor WI-FI signals or need help with roaming when the signal is not maintained.

Interference and Congestion:

In environments with multiple WI-FI networks and other wireless devices and electronic equipment, interference and congestion can degrade signal quality and throughput. This interference can result in unreliable connections, dropped packets, and sluggish performance, especially during peak usage hours.

Security Vulnerabilities:

A poorly designed WI-FI network may inadvertently expose sensitive corporate data to security risks. Weak encryption, inadequate access controls, and misconfigured settings can create vulnerabilities. This can pose significant security risks including cyber-attacks.

Scalability Challenges:

As the organisation evolves, an inadequately designed WI-FI infrastructure may struggle to scale effectively to accommodate increasing users and devices. This can lead to bandwidth limitations, network congestion, and degraded performance over time.

What is SASE?

The Benefits of Proper WI-FI Design

On the other hand, investing resources into proper WI-FI design yields a multitude of benefits that enhance the user experience and support business objectives. The Benefits of Proper WI-FI include:

Optimised Coverage and Performance:

WI-FI designers can determine the access points’ ideal placement and configuration by conducting a thorough site survey to ensure comprehensive coverage and optimal performance. This minimises dead zones, reduces signal interference, and delivers consistent connectivity across all areas. Planning for both coverage and density is key.

Coverage refers to the area where Wi-Fi signals are available. It’s essential to provide adequate coverage throughout the facility. Likewise, consider the physical layout, including walls, floors, and obstacles. Adjust access point (AP) placement to minimise dead zone. Finally, think about “high-traffic areas” such as conference rooms and lobbies that require strong coverage to accommodate users.

Density relates to the number of devices connecting to an AP. High-density areas need careful planning to ensure that the deployed technology meets the end user’s needs in that location. For instance, Conference Rooms require high density during meetings but may be empty at other times. Whereas, open workspaces need high-density coverage due to the numerous users.

Improved Reliability and Stability:

A well-designed WI-FI network employs advanced techniques such as channel optimisation, band steering, and roaming assistance to mitigate interference and maintain stable connections. This enhances reliability and ensures seamless roaming for users moving between different office areas.

Enhanced Security and Compliance:

Proper WI-FI design incorporates robust security measures, including strong encryption protocols, authentication mechanisms, and access controls, to protect against unauthorised access and mitigate security threats. By adhering to industry best practices and compliance standards, organisations can safeguard sensitive data and mitigate the risk of data breaches.

Scalability and Futureproofing:

A scalable WI-FI design anticipates future growth and technological advancements, allowing the network to expand seamlessly to accommodate evolving business needs. Organisations can future-proof their WI-FI networks and avoid costly redesigns or upgrades by implementing scalable architecture and infrastructure components.

A reliable and high-performance WI-FI network is essential for driving productivity, collaboration, and innovation in today’s digital workplace. Organisations can mitigate the risks associated with poor connectivity and deliver an exceptional user experience to employees, clients, and partners by prioritising proper WI-FI design during deployment or upgrade initiatives. From optimising coverage and performance to enhancing security and scalability, the benefits of investing in proper WI-FI design are clear: a connected workforce empowered to thrive in the digital age.

If you are reviewing your Network and Wireless, then feel free to reach out to one of our experts at 01235 433900 or via email at [email protected], who will be able to help you understand how proper WI-FI design takes place. Alternatively, you can contact me directly via DM or at [email protected].

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The Top 5 Reasons Cloud Migrations Fail

Abstract image of cloud migrations fail

The notion that public cloud costs are exorbitant and prompting a mass return to on-premises solutions is a prevalent topic in cloud migration discussions. Yet, this assertion doesn’t align with reality. Contrary to the narrative, AWS and Microsoft have observed substantial increases in their subscriber bases over the past year. 

The driving force behind these claims often stems from particular interest groups. Hardware vendors and private data centre owners, keen on safeguarding their market share and relevance, may be behind this narrative.

In the digital age, the appeal of the public cloud is indisputable. It presents scalability, flexibility, and efficiency, fundamentally reshaping organisational operations. Nevertheless, many businesses need help with their cloud adoption journey despite its potential, leading to frustration and setbacks. From insufficient planning to cost mismanagement, there are numerous challenges organisations must navigate when venturing into the public cloud. 

 Common Challenges in Cloud Migrations

1. Inadequate Planning:

Rushing into cloud adoption without a coherent strategy often results in chaos and inefficiency. Organisations must assess their existing infrastructure, understand their business needs, and outline their objectives before migrating to the cloud. Please do so to avoid disjointed deployments, incompatible systems, and heightened complexity.

2. Insufficient Security Measures:

Security remains a top concern for organisations contemplating cloud adoption. Overlooking or underestimating the importance of robust security measures can leave sensitive data vulnerable to breaches and cyber threats. While public cloud providers offer various security features, organisations must implement additional layers of security, such as encryption, access controls, and regular audits, to mitigate risks effectively. 

3. Poor Cost Management:

Effective cost management is often overlooked during the transition to the public cloud. While cloud computing promises cost savings through pay-as-you-go models, it also introduces the risk of overspending. With adequate monitoring and optimisation strategies, cloud costs can stay manageable. Factors like resource overprovisioning, idle instances, and governance lapses can significantly inflate the cloud bill. Organisations must implement robust cost management practices to avoid cost overruns, including usage monitoring, resource optimisation, and leveraging cost optimisation tools.

4. Vendor Lock-In:

Vendor lock-in poses a significant concern for organisations relying heavily on a single cloud provider. This dependency can restrict flexibility and impede innovation. Additionally, rapid advancements in cloud technologies may leave organisations locked into outdated or incompatible systems. Organisations should consider adopting a multi-cloud or hybrid cloud approach to mitigate vendor lock-in risks, allowing them to leverage services from multiple providers and avoid reliance on any single vendor.

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5. Skills Gap:

Successful cloud adoption necessitates skilled personnel proficient in cloud technologies and best practices. However, many organisations need help to recruit or train personnel with the requisite expertise, leading to difficulties in managing and optimising cloud infrastructure. Inadequate expertise can result in costly mistakes, performance issues, and underutilisation of cloud resources. Investing in training and development initiatives for existing staff or collaborating with experienced cloud service providers can help address this challenge.


In conclusion, while the public cloud presents numerous advantages, organisations must approach cloud adoption with meticulous planning, robust security measures, and effective cost management. By addressing common pitfalls such as inadequate planning, security lapses, and cost mismanagement, organisations can fully harness the potential of the cloud to drive innovation and growth.

For personalised guidance on transitioning your business to the public cloud, contact one of our experts at 01235 433900 or via email at [email protected]. Alternatively, you can contact me directly via DM or at [email protected].

Read more… Microsoft Azure 

image with Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop logo

Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop to Modernise and Revolutionise Your UX

In today’s fast-paced digital world, delivering a seamless user experience remains a top priority for IT Managers. The surge in remote work, BYOD and multi-device policies have increased the demand for efficient and secure virtual desktop solutions. This demand is a direct consequence of the shift toward a decentralised workforce. Enter Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) by Microsoft—an innovative cloud-based service. It revolutionises how organisations manage their desktop infrastructure and applications. By removing the complexities and challenges associated with legacy products. With a cloud-first approach, Microsoft assumes the responsibilities, leaving you to get on with your job!


Azure Virtual Desktop To Revolutionise Your UX

Gone are the days of grappling with the complexities of on-premises desktop management, or battling Remote Desktops, XenApp/ XenDesktop.

AVD brings forth a new era where desktops and applications are hosted in the cloud. This enables the users to enjoy a consistent and personalised experience from any location or device. Whether corporate-owned or a personal device, this centralised approach simplifies administration and offers scalability and flexibility to suit business demands.

Flexibility: AVD empowers users to access their desktops and apps remotely, fostering collaboration and productivity. Each user gets the same experience regardless of the device. This means that you can push applications and experiences to users on devices previously excluded from accessing your system, i.e., Apple iPads and Chromebooks.

Performance: Leveraging the robust infrastructure of Microsoft Azure, AVD ensures high-speed access to applications, regardless of the workload demands. This means you are leaning on one of the biggest providers in the cloud space.

Security: With features like Azure Active Directory integration and multi-factor authentication, AVD strengthens data protection, mitigating security risks associated with endpoint devices.

Management Simplicity: IT managers can centrally manage and deploy virtual desktops through the Azure portal, streamlining administrative tasks and reducing overhead. Leveraging tools like Nerdio to wrap around your AVD deployment can simplify this.

Cost Optimisation: By adopting a pay-as-you-go model, organisations can eliminate upfront hardware investments and optimise resource utilisation, resulting in long-term cost savings.

Real-World Applications Azure Virtual Desktop for UX

Across various sectors and organisations are leveraging AVD to transform their user experience:

Education: AVD facilitates seamless access to educational resources, enhancing the learning experience for students and faculty alike. If your education provider is looking for a BYOD, this is a great way to remove the hardware dependence on the process.

Healthcare: Healthcare providers rely on AVD to ensure secure access to patient records and critical applications, even in remote settings. Using Zero Clients from 10Zig, you can access the desktop experience quickly and securely, and it indeed follows users around.

Finance: Banks and financial institutions use AVD to enable remote work while maintaining compliance with industry regulations. Challenges around compliance and regulation have often been a barrier to progress, but not with Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop leveraging the secure framework Microsoft Azure is built on and the protection of AVD, you can truly drop the legacy systems.

Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop


Best Practices for AVD Implementation

To ensure a successful AVD deployment, you should look to adhere to these best practices:

Assessment and Planning: Conduct a thorough assessment of infrastructure and user needs to design a tailored deployment strategy. Planet IT can help with this through our Free assessment of your DaaS solution and asses how to get you ready for the cloud.

Pilot Testing: Evaluate AVD performance and compatibility through a pilot program before full-scale deployment. This is best done with around 5% of your workforce, which includes users from across the spectrum of skills, roles, and use cases.

Security Measures: Implement robust security protocols to safeguard sensitive data and ensure compliance with regulations. Working with our team, we can understand your needs and translate them to Microsoft’s compliance and protection.

User Training: Provide comprehensive training and support to help users adapt to the new virtual desktop environment. This can be done via workshops, 1 to 1 sessions, training videos, and so much more. With a team of experienced trainers, we can help you maximise the experience and get all users ready to work.

Continuous Improvement: Monitor performance metrics and user feedback to optimise the AVD environment over time. This is critical with all aspects of Azure, and even more so when you are looking to make the most of Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop.

To Conclude

Azure Virtual Desktop offers a compelling solution for organisations seeking to modernise their desktop infrastructure and enhance user experience. By embracing AVD and following best practices, you can unlock new opportunities for innovation and productivity while ensuring a secure computing environment for your workforce.

If you want to talk to our experts about how we can help your business review its environment and plan to move to the cloud. To find Out how Azure Virtual Desktop could make all the difference, please call 01235 433900 or email [email protected]. If you want to speak to me directly, you can contact me via DM or at [email protected].


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Cloud Security Posture Management

Cloud Security Posture Management

Cloud security posture management (CSPM) is both a practice and a technology designed to detect and prevent the misconfigurations and threats that lead to sensitive data breaches and compliance violations.

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